History Overview
Our history curriculum aims to inspire children’s curiosity to find out about the past. It enables children to gain knowledge and understanding of the past within our own locality, our country and the wider world. They are able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods and their own lives with a strong emphasis on the community and local area. Interlinked with this are studies of world history, such as the ancient civilisations of Greece, Rome, Egypt and Benin.
Our history curriculum takes the children on a chronological journey through the ages from Year 1 to Year 6. Starting at the dawn of time, we teach right through the eras to the present day to develop pupils’ understanding of the rich history of the British Isles and some of the significant empires and time periods from around the world. We teach our pupils to ‘think like a historian’ by examining artifacts and sources from the time and encouraging them to think critically about what we might be able to learn from different types of historical evidence.
Woven through our planning is a recognition of diversity – we teach the pupils that people from all backgrounds, ethnicities and religions have had an impact on the world and we hope that every child sees themselves in our curriculum. Knowledge organisers for each unit of work highlight key facts, vocabulary and dates, help pupils make links with prior learning and develop their understanding of chronology.