Our school times are currently 9.00am until 3.25pm including breaktimes. Children currently spend 32 hours a week in school.
Morning Arrangements
The playground is open at 8.45am for KS2 and 8.40am for KS1.
- Nursery: Nursery door opens at 8.45am for morning session and again at 12.30pm for the afternoon session.
- Reception: Reception side gate opens at 8.40am when bell rings
- KS1: Children line up in class lines in playground for prompt collection by teachers at 8.45am. TA’s remain in the playground until the gate is locked.
- KS2: Children go straight up to class for early morning work before the register.
Any children arriving after the bell rings at 9am should to be brought to the school office promptly.
End of the Day Arrangements
- Nursery: Children collected from the nursery door at 11.40am at the end of morning session and again at 3.15pm
- Reception: Children collected from their classroom door.
- KS1: Children collected from their classroom door.
- KS2: Children collected from the KS2 playground.
When it is torrential rain the following procedures apply for KS2.
- Orangutans (Y3) and Pandas (Y5) will go out through the emergency exit doors from their cloakrooms
- Whales( y5) and Bilbys(y3) will go out through the main doors from their block
- Y6 and Y4 will line up inside the main hall and sent out by their teachers one by one