SEND Support
Croydon Drop In Service
This is a well-established, evidence based service delivered in partnership with the school to help support the emotional well-being of the children. It provides 1:1 therapy with a trained counsellor and strives to help build the children’s confidence and resilience. The intervention addresses issues specific to each individual child’s needs. The CDI counsellor and the school SENCo meet on a weekly basis.
Play Therapist
This provides 1:1 support for children using play and arts with an integrative approach. It provides the opportunity to explore emotions/difficulties and challenges in a curious, nurturing and safe place. The therapist also works with parents and school staff offering support. The Therapist and the school SENCo meet on a weekly basis.
Details of the Locality SEND Support way of working
Over the past two years Croydon LA have been introducing a rapid response Locality SEND Support process (LSS) to ensure that SEND support provision in schools for Croydon resident children is robust and consistent. This is being done in order to help local schools be better able to support pupils with SEND and their families. From September 2022 all schools in Croydon who have accepted their invitation to be part of LSS will have the chance to access additional resources to support early intervention. Under LSS, provision for pupils with SEND should therefore improve. LSS will also develop partnerships and networks that support school-led improvement, promote school collaboration and enhance inclusive practice. Existing EHCPs in schools will continue to be honoured and ELPS and Special Schools are outside of this initiative.