We are an inclusive school that strives to create a challenging learning environment in which every child can achieve their potential. We promote an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance, respect for effort and achievements with sensitivity to the individual needs of all children. Every teacher is a teacher of children with special educational needs.
As a parent, you are the expert about your child and if you are concerned that he or she has special educational needs, we encourage you to come and share your concerns with the class teacher. Similarly, if we identify difficulties, we will want to discuss them with you. Your child’s class teacher and our Special Educational Needs Co-coordinator (SENCo) will meet with you so that we can act together to respond to the needs of your child and ensure that they receive high quality personalised provision.
We believe that early identification and intervention are paramount in supporting a child’s special educational needs. We set individual targets and match them to teaching strategies in order to address any difficulties. These targets are reviewed regularly with parents and relevant staff in line with our Special Educational Needs Policy. We work closely with many outside agencies to address the needs of children including those with sensory impairments, speech and language difficulties, motor co-ordination, learning or emotional and behavioural difficulties.
At All Saints we deliver a comprehensive programme of individual and small group support for children with special educational needs. In the Early Years and Key Stage 1 one of our key focuses is to support children who have speech, language and communication difficulties. Across the school we use nurture groups to support children who may be experiencing social and emotional difficulties.
“Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs make good progress and achieve well because their evolving learning needs are carefully assessed and effective support is provided to accelerate their learning”.