Funding for Primary School PE and Sports
The current Coalition Government has allocated an additional £150 million state funding to all state sector primary teaching establishments for the academic years of 2013 – 2016. The fundamental aim of this grant aid is to further improve the provision and quality of Physical Education (PE) and Sport provided by all primary schools nationally.
The funding is provided jointly by the Departments of Education, Health; Culture Media & Sport and is to be ring fenced thus ensuring that schools spend their grant only upon PE & Sport as well as initiatives that address developing healthy lifestyles in either curricular or extra-curricular settings.
Purpose of funding
It is a mandatory requirement, as authorised by Department of Education (DfE), that all state schools dedicate this funding upon developing their provision of PE and sport, although how they do decide to address this task remains their decision. All Saints CE Primary School has committed itself to following the statutory guidance as provided by DfE and Ofsted.