Welcome to a new term – September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all back to school after the summer break- we have missed our All Saints family! I hope that the break gave you an opportunity to be together and enjoy each other’s company and a chance for you to do all the activities or tasks you wanted. We are looking forward to a great year ahead- we have new starters and we welcome them on board. As usual, settling in, making friends, feeling happy and safe is our top priority but next to that is our drive for everyone to learn and make excellent progress by the end of the year.

READING is a top focus: the ability to read opens up many doors and avenues into the wider world of imagination as well as real life facts. Over the next two weeks we will be inviting each class of parents in to have a special welcome briefing with their class teacher and receive a termly newsletter so that you are aware of what to expect for the term ahead.

Please do not forget to sign up to the DOJO school messaging system so you can communicate regularly with your child’s class teacher. We will be seeking another parent governor so expect some information around this area from our chair of governors soon. Any support you need please do not hesitate to let us know.

Enjoy the first term!

Every Blessing
Josephine Copeland